pip install pycrypt==0.7.2
Fast TwoFish encryption.
SourceAmong top 3% packages on PyPI.
Over 45.7K downloads in the last 90 days.
Based on how often these packages appear together in public
files on GitHub.
tools to supplement packaging Python releases |
Python bindings to xylib |
Tools for adding metadata and hyperlinks to reStructuredText |
Fabricio, Docker deploy automation tool |
manipulating sonic-visualiser environment files |
PyAnnote feature extraction |
A tool to extract and modify URL features |
Advanced data structures for handling temporal segments with attached labels. |
QualiSystems Logger Package |
a toolkit for reproducible evaluation, diagnostic, and error analysis of speaker diarization systems |
PyAnnote algorithms |
Tools for running biometric recognition experiments |
Verification File List Database Access API for Bob |
Bindings for Activation functors |
Line and Box drawing utilities of Bob |
Boosting framework for Bob |
Basic Image Processing Utilities for Bob |
Color Conversion Utilities of Bob |
A simple wrapper for lirc's irsend. |
Proportion of downloaded versions in the last 3 months (only versions over 1%).
0.7.2 |
59.20% |
0.7.1 |
5.29% |
0.7 |
5.24% |
0.6.1 |
4.59% |
0.6.0 |
4.55% |
0.5.0 |
4.46% |
0.5.1 |
4.46% |
0.4.0 |
2.83% |
0.2.0 |
2.13% |
0.3.1 |
2.12% |
0.1.1 |
1.80% |
0.2.0b2 |
1.73% |