pip install django-rest-framework-docs==0.1.7
An inventory tool for Django Rest Framework v2 API
SourceAmong top 10% packages on PyPI.
Over 6.9K downloads in the last 90 days.
Based on how often these packages appear together in public
files on GitHub.
Create templates using Inkscape, then fill them in (and render them to PDF, if you like). |
Geographic add-ons for Django Rest Framework |
Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to filter querysets dynamically. |
Web APIs for Django, made easy. |
A Django REST framework API adapter for the JSON API spec. |
Type inference for Jinja2 templates. |
This library let you to authenticate an specific user on DRF based on the JWT Token returned by Auth0 Javascript libraries. |
OpenWISP 2 Utilities |
A GDAL wrapper with Python conveniences |
The Django Taggit serializer for tDjango REST Framework |
Better filtering for Django REST Framework |
JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework |
Seed your Django project with fake data |
A collection package for Django REST Framework |
Mission Control - allows for easy launching of apps on Marathon |
Deadly simple HipChat API V2 room notification library |
3bot is an open-source software platform to build, configure and perform your repetitive tasks. |
Python Rados Gateway Admin API |
Proportion of downloaded versions in the last 3 months (only versions over 1%).
0.1.7 |
100.00% |