pip install azure-storage-file==12.0.0b4
Microsoft Azure Azure File Storage Client Library for Python
SourceAmong top 1000 packages on PyPI.
Over 5.4M downloads in the last 90 days.
Based on how often these packages appear together in public
files on GitHub.
Microsoft Azure CosmosDB Table Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure IoTHub Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure EventGrid Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Data Factory Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Container Registry Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Application Insights Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure RDBMS Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Container Service Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure CosmosDB Namespace Package [Internal] |
Microsoft Azure Container Instance Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Search Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Azure Queue Storage Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure EventHub Management Client Library for Python |
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Management Namespace Package [Internal] |
Microsoft Azure Monitor Client Library for Python |
Proportion of downloaded versions in the last 3 months (only versions over 1%).
1.4.0 |
69.96% |
2.1.0 |
22.58% |
1.3.1 |
7.06% |